IIAM-Important Information About Me

By in Mobile Apps on December 26, 2019
  • Date: 4/2013 – 1/2014
  • Principal Investigator: Alexander H. Hoon Jr., M.D., M.P.H. / Kennedy Krieger Institute
  • Role: Contracted Graphic Designer / UI Developer
  • Description: IIAM is an innovative and comprehensive iPad app under ongoing development to empower children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.


IIAM (Important Information About Me) is an innovative and comprehensive patient portability profile app empowering children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. With the nation invested in patient safety and quality care, we envision IIAM will be a standard tool used in the hospital setting and to assist the transition of care from pediatric medical/ rehabilitative centers to community providers and on into adulthood.


Development Stage 1 to 4: On-device data-driven application for children.

  • a comprehensive patient record for the future professional medical personal.
  • an easy communication tool between patients(impaired ability to communicate) and Non-medical personal.
  • User customized videos and photos.
  • Callouts for emergency situations.  ex) “When I cry I need…”

Prototype detail – “I have two siblings. Timmy is 11-year-old and my sister, Lily is 5-year-old.”

“I am allergic to wheat, cat, and milk”

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Frank YJ Cho

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