Art322 Digital Concept: Motion Project IV
A Moment In History – Create a short animation (1-2 minutes) using any technique or hybrid combination of techniques covered throughout the course. For this project, you must choose a moment in history, tell the story of that moment as an audio voice over track and then animate the event. The moment can be one of great historical importance, a moment in popular culture, or even a moment of personal history. You must write a brief voice-over script, record and edit the sound (can be your own voice or someone else), create a storyboard with sound notes, and create concept art for the visual style. The final animation must include a combination of animated graphics (can be character-based or abstract), illustrations, and kinetic typography. The project will be broken into two parts for grading – Pre-Production (script, audio editing, storyboard, concept art) and Post-Production (rough cut and final edit of the animation). The animation must include a title and credits and be rendered as a .mov file using h.264 compression, 1920 x 1080 resolution, and 24 fps.
Student A – Final
Student B – Final
Student C – Final